Ed got started drawing caricatures back in the late eighties in Boston’s Faneuil Hall while attending Mass College of Art. It was in Art school that Ed attempted to wear a black leather jacket before discovering that he was actually more earthy-crunchy than gothy-punky.
Ed had an agent that would book him and a band of fellow artists on caricature gigs at colleges all over the country. Sometimes going out on tour for weeks at a time, they’d roll into a college town, draw at a party for 4 hours or so and then move on to the next tour date. It was just like being a rock star (except for the compact rental car and gas station food.)
Ed spent several years producing the Multi-Award Winning Building #19 circular. Working on this iconoclastic black and white retail rag taught Ed the quirky parlor trick of selling smoke-damaged broken stuff to people at a significant discount. (To this day Ed can draw Jerry Ellis with his eyes closed).
Along the way, Ed also did a stint as staff cartoonist for the legendary (read: defunct) Editorial Humor newspaper in Cambridge.
Ed continues to draw caricatures all over the place. He lives in downtown Plymouth Massachusetts.

Ed’s Best Work
Above all else, Ed is a proud Dad to these 4 lunatics.